Animated Perspectives is an essential course for anyone working/aspiring to work in animation. Sam Goff taught with sensitivity and grace, and fostered an open environment for discussion. Her lectures were always thorough and used tangible examples and data to ground each topic. The class discussions were especially enriching - they challenged me to reevaluate my views and to more consciously consider how I consume, interact with, and create media. I can't recommend this course highly enough.
— Shelby Nicholas
Story Artist at Skydance Animation
Animated Perspectives is the kind of challenging class that is dearly needed, especially in this social climate. There's a lot to learn and consider when it comes to representation in Animation, let alone media. This class delves into important topics and opens your perspective to seeing things you may not have noticed or thought about before. As an instructor, Sam is also patient, encouraging, and collaborative. She sets the tone for the class but openly allows students to participate in discussion, share their views, and discuss their different ideas in a respectful atmosphere. Everyone who is interested in and wants to work in entertainment should take Sam's class.
— Lyvia martinez
Senior Coordinator at Netflix Animation
Professor Goff's conversations are informative, inclusive, and get deep quickly. These discussions are a great way to explore complicated topics in a way that's current and relevant to animation, but also in an environment that's fun and open to honest inquiry.
Training Project Manager at Walt Disney Animation Studios
Animated Perspectives is a class everyone should take! Discussing DEI in animation opens your eyes to understanding perspectives that aren't your own while in a setting that challenges you to ask the bigger questions about the media we loved growing up with and the content that is made today. Sam Goff is an amazing teacher with a tremendous amount of knowledge in this space, bringing a uniquely effective approach to breaking down and highlighting unconscious bias in animation. Any creator looking to think critically about the impact of their work should consider this class as you will leave it with a broader understanding of how you can do more for the world through your art.
— Brandon Daryani
Animation Student
My biggest take away from the almost two-month Animated Perspective class was getting comfortable with talking about discrimination and using this as a jumping off point for my own dismantling of my own internalized prejudices. While I know I can be better and learn more, I realize the importance of making an inclusive environment accessible for everyone.
Before this class, I knew topics around DEI and intersectionality were important to learn about. But I think navigating my perception of stereotypes/ white normativity and apply ways to at the very least make known that there is an injustice in the industry of animation— and quite frankly, life is so invaluable to me! Thank you Sam for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us!!!